After her son Jeff O'Niell (pictured) attacked his girlfriends dad, a cancer victim in Portsmouth in Sept 1998 , Bernadette Trotter and husband Charles of Happaway Road Torquay issued threats to the victim and his family before and after his death from a stroke. Please go to to read story inc Audio and pics.

Keyword,Weight,Percent,Total,Title,Head,MetaKeywords,MetaDescription,Comment,Alt,Link,Body optimistic, interested, character, southport portsmouth resignation, morecambe, defensive effectively, freeserve worthington, carruthers, celebrate, opposition, 'frenchies', otherwise westcountry, remembered, somewhere, revocation 'e' up', ', t sissoko's, tba, aha, usa bbc, o'b pic etc web, bob job pub, rub, sub, ace, lee see age, i'd the tie one une, are pre, use due ive, 'we, bye, eye, bad dad had lad sad add bed, did old nd and end god sod, rd, utd, bag, beg, leg big dog org, ref off ici, qui, doh, ask am him jim com mom tom pm, hum, mum, sum, mel, i'm all ill, ntl ago who boo, too pro, two can fan ian, man ran, van, men pen, ten pin, win don, mon, non, son, won fun, run own cap, yep uip, pop top esp, cup has vas, was les wes yes his cos ups, mrs its bar far par, her, per, e's f's, air, for nor, yor, s, qpr our sur, you eat, hat sat ect, bet get het, let met, net wet, yet bit fit hit rit ont, got lot not wot, st est but cut, out put saw few new how now row wow, www, ldv div, day may pay say way hey why any try guy six box coz, reluctantly, connection, suffering, relegated, disgraceful, minneapolis barnstaple, programme something identical, circumstance, affecting, waterlogging, supporters supporter, permission, screening, concentration, circumstances, westwardvideo midfielder, promotion producing, collections, commitment, stoppages, viewpoint, emigrated, unaffected, absolutely, disgusted, earphones, permitting, formation, williamson's, hospitals, mcfarlane wokingham symptomatic, championing, advantage, necessitated, confidence conference implications, challenging, difference rotherham, noticeably, perfomance, wherespete gargantuan, brianling unchallenged, acoustics, recognising, information, arguments, deanmarshall brebtford, colchester touchline, sponsorship appalling, experience, experienced admission, slaughtered, northants, enlighten, cambridge, concerned, cancelled, constructive, scarborough crutchless, retirement, o'riordan's, substitution, substituted, bournemouth, seanbrazil yagamuffin deflected, additional, suggestion, suggestions, individually individual performances themselves performance explained, incidentally, performing wonderful, influence, influenced, challenged, professional, committed, manmarked, essential, launching, forgetting, apologise, memorable rendition, favourite, macclesfield, arsoniste, peterborough sponsored, connected, witnessed brentford encouragement kidderminster, everybody, understand prediction including, secretary, seventeen, disenchanted, combination, resembling, assertion, directions, turnstiles, understanding, unluckily, interesting wimbledon commercial, expectation, expectations observation, conclusion facilities available celebration, celebrations automatic disinterested, ministand, gillingham, apparently dominated, dreadfully, delighted, cheltenham financial, financially, yesterday copyright certainly fishwebdesign splitting, unfortunate, imagination unfortunately prejudice, realistic, sanatogen, archiving, blackpool spectacular, breakdown, bothering, disappointed realistically, disappointing fundemental, fundamentals, obvioulsy, goodnight, mentioned continued, angrygerbil, should've, obviously superflous, northmore, firestarter, footballer, institute, spectators, vancouver leicester, excellent partridge, criticised, postponment, creatures, regardless, retailers, different difficult convinced, equalises, embarrassing, responsible, strutting, embarressment, equaliser, listening unavailable, brazilian, presuming, outplayed, suspended surprised, treatment broadcast, particular, particularly, galdiator, pleeeeaase, increased, knowledgable, defenders depressed impressed, terrified, materials, intervals, strengths, intricate, yourselves, fantastic, happening, provision, flashback, distinctly, cableinet brilliant continual, hockley's, exspenisive, accurately, inspiration, conviction, commentator commentators tottenham, competition, competetion, criticism, proposition, adamjmatthews competetition, shrimpers, tommorrow inevitible, decisions, outstanding, ludicrous, previously substantial, crucially, considering throughout, positions, cylinders plainmoor sprinklers, situation, hartlepool important, wolverhampton, opponents, completely, everything youngster, necessary, expressing, depressing, hopefully carefully reassuring, atmosphere persistently, satisfaction, depression, impression, incredible, charitable, scunthorpe supporting, reasonably, compatriot, merseygull webmaster commentary, commentaries, constantly, suspensions inspection torquayunited 'he's, dad's, did'nt, god's, ard', ref's, can't fan's ain't, don't won't isn't was'nt, wes's you'll, you've, you're, let's, net', wot's,

, , , div, , , caldwell's, ifyoudon'tknowbynowyouneverwill scottyb tommorow's, southend's, scarboro'in, newcombe pstevens atkinson topgull canadian creative, organise, negative, creating, nowadays, apparent, recalled, floating, balanced, managing, relative, strategy, attached, greatest pleasant, disabled, managers becase, locals, local vocal escape, because cuba, today's, idea, please clean, create, preach, dream, great pleased, smeared, clearly, created, todays, today judas, infact, alias brian 'that', islands, delayed balance, island, finally manager penalty canada final strange sprayed, phrases, scrap, attacks, octaves, details, totally squad usual, stuart, equally, usually, attack, always howard upwards, towards onwards, gambling, probably probelly, problems enable, grabs enabled, rubbish webb gibbo, gibbs, robbie, lobby, subbed, rugby, rnib, wilberg wembly, sombre, humble, number numbers members wembley problem torbay, clubs, club clubs, club clubs, club doubt, stubbs, maybe anybody selction, practice, knocking, shocking, conceded, specimen, matchday, clicking, sticking, newcombe knackers, watching precious, black, place coach space, crack, coaches macca soccer succeed, check, piece, precise tufc, tufc, tufc which click flick, voice tricks, price, trick sticks stick quick chicken, chicago, welcome malcolm lincoln knock, knocked, fancy, bench since obscure, circle, forced, watched, patched, kitchen, matches touch stuck touched, touches patchy, match watch pitch gardiner, hundreth, wandered, headless, he'd, headed, header head lead ready, read loads load loads, brad's, brad leading, reading headers, rodders, needed need needs need, needs, need shed, fled, credit, used waddle middle laid, said heidi friday evident, holders, wildest, held, golden, cold colds, cold, hold told sending, wanders, candles, good mood, prodigy, produce, hand hands, lands, send, sends, winded mind wind, london ponder, london ponder, wonder, sunday tundra, funds, cardiff fordy's, garden, yarder, hardly harder, hard yards ford fordy, ford words word, loud, internet interest, bleeding, superior, november forecast, unneeded, intended, covering, defender somebody, appeared, expected together directed, hereford deserved honestly powerful, generous, benefits, numerous, remember roberts face laces pace race, accept, recent nicely, nice vice receive, vibes vibe, vibes tube, cheers cheer, sneeze, knees, greedy, free 'see', 'geeing, cheered, greeted, freebie 'keeper, made, added, bedeau side sides, side', side, sides, tide, video older, under dude, defence, defeats, pages, page safety, safe, defeat offer, life wife orient, brief, quiet, friends quieter, quietly, scheme, others other make makes, make makes, make sake, take taken take taken, take likely bike, like likes, like likes, like mike mikeb, mike mikeb, mike, mikeb, mike mikeb jokes, joke, asked, hameln came game games, game games, game games game, games, game games, game games, game games game, games game games, game james, name same times time times, time times time times, time womens, moment come comes, come comes, come home some immense, someone hamelin, somehow, moments women's, sale vale, able mile, pile, allez unless cole, hole, lineone benefit, shoes, whoever, lane, fine, line mine jonesy done gone jones money, none, fsnet owned, appeals, hope appeal, superb, super, expect streete, weren't already stretch, forever, case misery, elses, else lose, loses, lose rose arse arsed deserve care mare, acres, here's, derek, here heres, here heres, here were agree three, threw, three airey, dire, tired, bored, more streak, surely sure, attempt, entered, blue, joues, true, lately, latest, oates date, dated, gates, gate hate, later late, later, late mate, rate, rated rates, rate, pete tete, after often bite, site sites, site note, votes, congratulations, utter, haven't fewer i've lowest, lower, however havent dave gave, have rave, save, wave, level, never seven, weve, five given, give, given gives, give given give given, live rovers lovely, 'over, dover loved, move, bayes haze, size, dozen, midfield profiles, confirms, bedford prefer, useful, differ, nuff half confirm, benfica, hoofs, hoof roof, sarfend perform, fluffs, sufc, stuff, scuffle, stuffed daughter, paignton brighton thegulls disgrace, gargoyle, progress, hangover, 'mighty', league flag, drag, keegan, codger, hodges, dodgy judge, logged, bugger, suggest, biggest reign, flight, paignon, snigger kingdom, hanging, singing dangers, fingers, danger, single, ling wing, longer, long song, target, virgin forget caught, laugh, tought, tough, fighting, rochdale, richmond, archived rightful, gathered, bothered hitherto, although yeah, graham each archer, much such richard archive brehaut, highly, mighty, nights, lights, eight, high light might night right sight, rightly, perhaps fisher, wish push, wishing fashion, rushing, rushden, nothing without th, th, th, th, th, rather, father, bath, path either within, with inthe, bother, mother both rythm, begining, visitors, mcnichol exciting, atkinson claiming, unbiased, awaiting, training patients official finished, decision, chairman patience, attitude, motivate, navigate, striking, thrilled, positive resigned, division imminent, position again claim, praise, brain, train, stain awaits, await, awaited, against excite, decided, decides, excited, habib, robin, their radio eddis, ending, audio enfield, logic, orginal, unfit, achieve, behind making taking joking, believe halifax family jamie admit, semi, coming admired, similar, ealing belief, online unlike police, colin julie, cynical, choice, broing, broings, senior, lining, monica hoping typing, strikes, arrived, shrimps, easier, basic, resist, losing assist, music besides, resides, chris firing boring during cyril noticed article optimum, fruit, rating, action anti until neville, obvious, unwise, having david review kevin giving, moving, mexican, flying trying subject, stakes, backed, tackle, backy, back backs, back backs, back jack, lack sack, wacky, reckon heck, ticket, sickos, ticket, kick mick micko mick micko mick, micko pick hockly, buckle, sucked, luck, lucky, luck, lucky, luck suck, rocking, dicking, picking, tackles, hockley micko's, rockett hockers, week, weeks, week weeks, week weeks, walking talking, talked talk walk, folks rankled, booked, looked looks look, looks, look took looking link, links, link, links sink marking, risk, parker, dark, mark, cork, dorks, work york, millwall, couldn't wouldn't, spelling, realised, enclosed, followed chalqi's, replaced holloway, carlisle, athletes, bllcks, williams, we'll, useless', really heally deal healy neal realy, real chalqi khalid, shall small, goalie goal goals, goal goals, goal goals, goal goals, goal, realise, reality, decline, include tables, table, feel heels, weell, fields field, noelie, feeling yielded, ireland, badly, sadly, english, england failed, fail, fails, fail, mail neil phil while toilet, stills still ceiling, whiling, utilise, ability ashley telling, falling, ailling, yellows follows, i'll gull wallet, called ball balls, ball balls, ball balls, ball balls, call fall, hall, tally, wall, yellow fell, hell, kelly, tells, tell well hill, hilly, hill, hilly, hill, hilly, hill, pill, will willo, will volley, follow poll bull, dull, full fully, gulls gull, gulls gull gulls gull, gulls gull gulls, gull gulls tully whole doolan, violent, replays replay marldon, hurling, earlier wesley carl, early world gauls, paul 'gulls, could sould, would truly, jetlag, bowls dayle style, hammered, glimpsed, shameful, climbing, plymouth shambles, symmetry, comments adam reames, team teams team teams, team champ, shame blame framed, blaming, am, unprofessional thefreeinternet seemed seems seem, seems, seem, seems, them items, premier element, climax, climb, swim, grimsby, brimson, glimmer jammy, jimmy, mmmmmm, hmmmm, commit gummer, comment holmes thomas doomed room from looming, fanms, pm, germany, warmer, sermon, terms normal, former, hotmail drums, motm, anymore alancole chanting, changing, saunders standing, scenario, thinking, bringing, counting, bouncing, moanings, branleur, transfer, signings, mountain, identify, sponsors, dean, mean, meant, means sean chance change, chance, thanks chants than whan, alan plans, stands stand evans ryan channel, planned, changed granted, swansea changes chances, brandon moaners, been seen then when bien, plenty omen, omens, spend, spent, french aren't avenue, even didn't didnt signs mainly, main, paint, pain, rain vain, being aginst, things whinge, shin, think, thing, think thing think thing, think thing think thing blind, points joined, going join joint, point bring using, swing, understandable, gaining, raining, painful blindly, swindon opinion john damn, connard, winning running along alone, among, soon fronts front gronm, wrong sponsor, amongst, cannot manner, benney, fenn winner donnie, bonne, jonny dunno, earning, morning burnley, turning, wasn't hasn't, wasnt, barnet corner worn, turned turn jaunes, scunny, count, found, round sound young counted, rounded, taunton stunned, country, thunder, drunken down town havn't, bryn, optomist, enforced, opponent throught, announce, enjoying, priority, reported, resolved, tomorrow memories record, second wycombe, abbot, theory, indoor, dugout, before effort, oxford, yahoo enjoyed, major, belongs memory simon almost belong, below, c'mon scoop, choose shoot bloody blood, oooooh, sooooo, soooo, crooky, ignore, reports report toronto through borough, jason seson, also scroll throat, throw thro', morons, strong, strop into onto luton devon kevo kevos, layout, anyone kipper's, shopping, complete dropping, compared, plopside elephant happened supplied, sympathy, shape, clap, crap trap, swap chapman, snapped, swapped, keeper deep keep peeps, keeping whip, flip, trip bump, tempted, hampton, humping, company, help people shop, shops, shop proper, trophy crop, drop stop dropped, support happens kpper, happen happy kipper copper, soppy, airport, despite inspire, respect, warped, harp, couple stupid poupard, torquays, unique, torquay sisquo, whateverhisname, everyone begrudge, recreate, starting, american, thursday, courtesy, scarboro yourself, suprised, 'torquay, horrible carriage, terrible approach, aarrgghh, guernsey, we're, 'dark, feared, bear, dear fear, hear, heard, heart, heard, heart, wear, years, year, years year, years year, years, year, years, year years year charge, board apart, spare, start learned, wearing, scarbro, started nearest, sharper, charles o'brien bedroom, andrews, beer, beers, sherpa there ther, there where users ever ever', every, ever every, ever every ever, every ever, over myers, america, average, operate, whereas where's, there's, regret, aggrey, angry, fair pair thirty, third, noir, scored score chore, glory, poor sports, 'worst, stories, chortle, shorter, improve, current herrera worried worries, darren, carry, morrow, sorry torre, worry currie, hurry, hatrick, course dour, four hours, hour, hours, tour your yours, your journey, rovrs, pressure messages melsmail popsider dressing passport, possibly crissake, classics, possible, password sissosko, consider, personal marshall he's it's 's, 'bas, reason season least teas, chased, bias, class xmas, reasons seasons whassup website tabs, subs, 'best', jees, ages, these ones does goes, toes, quest, byes present pressed, chester doesn't lads adds odds, beds beds', c'est, offside, dogs, offs raised, raise, this this', this bristol sums, himself fils consent, chosen, those closer, close cross pros, fans vans sense, mins wins depsite, popside passed, mass, pass, less mess, missed pissed, misses, kiss, piss, bosses, losses, toss, message sossoko, massive, sissoko passing missing pissing, passion yesssss, gars, mars, merson versus, person merse first worst caused, cause abuse plus trust, unusual, watson hats, bets, gets lets hits, sits, lots, guts, gaws, news days says ways, guys, abysmal, postings, football restrict, nettists, matthews birthday fixtures suitable, platform, tactical, pictures, southend whatever, battling, hmstokie southall, contract southern, emotions, contents, anything beaten, beat seats, seat, what's, that's chat that thats, that thats, that thats, that thats, that what whats, what whats what whats what platts prat, stats, state beating, beaters, station, factor, fact section victory, tactics victors, feet, pretty brett exeter acetufc, meeting whether, leftie, left faith wait shitty, white smith, united unit, write, quite switch, waiting omitted, neither moities, culture celtic, felt, bolton, venture, punters, wanting, mention, tinting, contact contest, scotty scott, photo, shot alot, boot foot, spot, grotty, another footers, cant pants santa want wants, want wants, want, centre sent went winter, tinted aint, months dont punt, captain, kept virtual certain lasted, wasted bastow, fast, last past waste, weston, best rest list instil, posted cost, costs, lost most post just must system, gesture, mystery, posting instead, history posters partie, earth, hart, part sorted portal, port, sorts, sort worth st, hurt getting betting putting matthew, gittens, bettany shut, mouth, route neutral, mouthed matter matt watto better settle, little fitter, witty bottom gutted sutton, newton, leyton, next leicestershire, saturday actually returned, regulars, injuries accuracy, shouters, flouders, beaut, secure, excuses, adbu, debut reduce, fedup, begum, regular, usfull, awful triumph, injured injury unlucky, january, minutes about should though shout 'loud', amount enough ground around brought acouple, 'course, trouble thought venues, menu, minute result unsure, ensuing, results sprung, returns, return, mutual, future, mervonet, provoked, previous heavy leave, leaving stevie steven, steve stevens trivia, private wolves, above, yeovil gloves, prove canvey, convey, survive, nervous, mervyn, mervo merv mervo, merv, mervo, merv, youve, revved, ntlworld knowles', shaw flaw, draw draws draw viewed, view knew crewe stewart showed shows, show slowly blow, slow, know known, know crowd grown, knowing flowing, blowing, growing, knowles, forward answer, answere, between anyway alex, wrexham, brixham deux, playable, graygull copy, okay player played play gray, stays, stay away aways away aways, away playoff playing staying, players they they're andy argyle, army only floyd, ploy, troy, many tony burying, easy busy, gary very city amazing, prize, fanz, rehabilitation,main6.htm